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She spent a decade working to fight for workers, women, and children rights within DPSS and DCFS through various labor organizations. She serves as the Founder & President of The LOVE Program an organization, which aids in the advancement of young women of color at risk in high school and throughout college
The LOVE Program has five mission areas:
To redirect the paths of young girls astray ages of 13- 21. Reduce Recidivism Among Young Girls of Color between the ages of 13 – 21, To bring awareness and combat Human Trafficking within Communities of Color, To bring awareness of Mental Health and prevention of Suicide in communities of color
Equip teen mothers of color with the tools and life skills needed to successfully raise their children.
Her passion, purpose, and desire are to advocate for social justice, inequalities, and equity within education and for women of color.She firmly believes that any glass ceiling can be broken; it just depends on what hammer you use to break it!She also balances being a wife to her rock Channing T. Hawkins and a mother of four to her children.She is a woman of strong Christian faith and epitomizes a woman of character and virtue as described in Proverbs 31. She states, “A Proverbs 31 woman is not about being perfect. It’s about living life with character, purpose, diligence, commitment, forgiveness, and repentance" "It is about living your life with purpose and intentionality."
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